Psalms 9

My memory is erasing things,
Extinguishing the glare of thinking.
Renew my memory,
So I can live
And the preaching may live
Upon my lips.
It matters not what they say of me,
Denomination alters not a person.
Oh Sunni,
The name means little,
And ALLAH is great.
Who was sold by merchants,
Upon paper pulpits,
Is dissatisfied
With what transpired
With our religious rituals.
Glory to He who created you,
A creation the ages won’t repeat,
He sent you to a world
Infested with crime
And is oblivious to His existence.
Oh Ali..
The world is an egotist,
And deceitful.
Help me rid it of evils,
Absorbed through generations.
I am perturbed
By the world’s madness.
Where freedom is a wave of sins,
Afraid it may sweep my son away,
Casting him upon the shores of wars.
Extend your hand..
Help me..
My cross is heavy
And I am afraid of falling,
Lest such fall may distance me
And be engulfed by the dust
Of forgetfulness.
I must create another race,
Capable of understanding
Your teachings,
Unifying all religions.
Which declare “ALLAH” is one.