Psalms 15

I saw them strolling,
Alongside you,
Their eyes illuminating their path.
Never afraid once,
Nor deceived,
Their days delighted
With their existence,
Their nights floodlit,
By the glow of your stars,
Their dreams blossomed.
Whenever their foes spread their lies,
They sharpen their pens
Upon the pages.
They lived..
And died great,
Their foreheads,
The sun’s playing field.
In their journeys,
A day passes,
Its dust adorns their yesterdays.
Heaps of goodness,
They left behind,
Goodness emanating from their touch,
Oh Ali..
They came as visitors,
Leaving their deeds
In the five continents.
They were born
The most honourable,
With an exemplary reputation,
Each day that their sun set,
By its inspiration,
Lightning erased the dusk,
The sea waves blue,
So bore witness,
And their footsteps
Blessed the ground.
Had their knowledge
Not enlightened the East..
It would have remained
Their name, a secret,
I learned so well,
A verse imprinted upon my lips,
And embraced on a gentle breeze,
“Tell me a story..”
While reciting
The breeze cries,
And I see it approaching,
Bearing heaps of praise,
For those
Who were the “GOAL.”